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In The News

Star Investors Lend Upstarts a Halo of Success - Restaurant Business

June 20, 2017

After noticing the uptick in success within the restaurant industry, highly-sought investors are now lending their wealth to help small restaurants grow. On the subject, Michael Whiteman said "They often purchase stocks in these young companies at very steep discounts. Their justification for the price cut is that they ass a visible name to the venture while minimizing risk."

Hottest Desert Trends - Forbes

May 26, 2017


 Continuing the trend of outlandish, bigger-is-better mentality, there’s still a large presence of in-your-face ice cream desserts. Clearly, anything goes with ice cream here, including donuts, cocktails and layer cakes. Some of the best places to gobble these calorific desserts include Black Tap Craft Burgers & Beer in New York City and Pâtissez in Canberra City, Australia” — Michael Whiteman, renowned food consultant and president of Baum + Whiteman

IAH's New Food Takeover - Houston Chronicle

May 17, 2017

George Bush International Airport has recently opened 15 modern and trendy restaurants throughout their terminal, and all of them tough on the city's culinary offerings. Houston Chronicle reached out to Michael Whiteman for a comment on the shift of restaurants in airports. 

DO or D'oh? - Business Insider

February 28, 2017

Edible cookie dough is beginning to entice the sweet tooth of New Yorkers. Curious individuals spend up to an hour in line at DO, a cookie dough storefront, in Greenwich Village. Business Insider, and several other media outlets, reach out to Michael Whiteman for his thoughts on the new trend.

Food Trends at Hotels - International Luxury Hotel Association

January 15, 2017


Baum & Whiteman predicts “complete “ecosystems” are emerging that will give consumers one-stop stay-at-home opportunities for food shopping.” Michael Whiteman adds  “I’d structure a millennial menu around farming, body-enhancing ingredients, trendy and premium drink ingredients, and this year’s gastro-buzzwords; while a boomer menu would talk about fiber, whole grains, heart and gut health, and premium wines.”

2017 Grocerant Hot Trend #1: Hot Vegetables - Progressive Grocer

January 13, 2017


Vegtables are topping the 2017 food trend prediction lineups, according to Progressive Grocer. The article calls upon Baum + Whiteman's 2017 trend report, which explains evidence from Pintrest trends that show how vegetables are what consumers are starting to crave.

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